GE Xuewu(葛学武)
![]() M.S., University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) (1994); B.S., USTC (1983). | Professor of Polymer Chemistry |
1.Emulsion Polymerization
2.Synthesis and Application of nano-Materials
3.Radiation Polymerization,Radiation Grafting and Radiation Cosslingking of Polymers
4.Synthesis and Self-Assemble of Hollow Microspheres
5.Cross-Over Study of Radiation Chemistry with Other Discipline
[1] Wang Lian, Ge Zhiqing, Wang Mozhen, Ge Xuewu, Preparation and properties of catechol modified chitosan-based Injectable biological adhesives with near-infrared-light-controlled release behavior, ACTA Polymerica Sinica, 2020, 51(12): 1335-1346.
[2] Yang Wenxiu, Ge Zhiqing, Xu Guoqing, Zhao Chu, Wang Mozhen, Zhuo Shengchi, Ge Xuewu, In-situ fabrication of porous-silica-microsphere-supported platinum nanocluster catalyst by gamma-ray radiation, Applied Suface Science, 2020, 531, 147333.
[3] Jiang Zhiwen, Zhu Wengang, Xu Guoqing, Xu Xiangjianfei, Wang Mozhen, Chen Hongbing, Huang Wei, Ge Xuewu, Lin Mingzhang, Ni-nanoparticle-bound boron nitride nanosheets prepared by a radiation-induced reduction-exfoliation method and their catalytic performance, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(18): 9109-9120.
[4] Kun Zeng,Li Ma,Wenxiu Yang,Shan Lei,Mozhen Wang,Yezi You, Yu Zhao, Xuewu Ge, Biodegradable nano-organosilica gene carrier for high-efficiency gene transfection, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, DOI: 10.1039/d0tb00108b
[5]Lei Shan, Chen Jinxing, Zeng Kun, Wang Mozhen, Ge Xuewu, Visual dual chemodynamic/photothermal therapeutic nanoplatform based on superoxide dismutase plus Prussian blue, NANO Research, 2019, 12(5): 1071-1082.
[6] Xie Yunyun, Yang Wenxiu, Wang Mozhen, Ge Xuewu, Fibrous N-doped hierarchical porous carbon microspheres: Synthesis and adsorption performance, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323: 224-232.
[7] Chen Jinxing, Lei Shan, Zeng Kun, Wang Mozhen, Asif Anila, Ge Xuewu, Catalase-imprinted Fe3O4/Fe@fibrous SiO2/polydopamine nanoparticles: An integrated nanoplatform of magnetic targeting, magnetic resonance imaging, and dual-mode cancer therapy, NANO Research, 2017, 10(7): 2351-2363.
[8] Wang Jie, Rong Jielin, Fang Zhong, Wang Mozhen, Asif Anila, Wu Qichao, Zhou Xiao, Ge Xuewu, Monodisperse polypyrrole nanoparticles prepared via gamma-ray radiolysis of water: An efficient near-infrared photothermal agent for cancer therapy, Particl & Particle Systems Charaterization, 2017, 34(3): 1600430
[9] Chen Jinxing, Zeng Kun, Lei Shan, Wang Mozhen, Asif Anila, Ge Xuewu, The molecular imprinted nanotrapper for catalase: A chemical-free inhibition way to trigger tumor cells apoptosis, Particl & Particle Systems Charaterization, 2017, 34(2): 1600260
[10] Wang Yunlong, Zhao Chi, Wang Mozhen, Wu Qichao, Zhou Xiao, Ge Xuewu, Macroporous polytetrafluoroethylene film with a reusable matrix and its application as the microreactors, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2016, 301(6): 674-681