LIANG Wanzhen(梁万珍)

    LIANG Wanzhen(梁万珍)

  • Ph.D., University of Hong Kong (2001); M.S., Sichuan University (1990); B.S., University of Southwest Normal University (1987).

    Professor of Physical Chemistry
    Department of Chemical Physics 
    School of Chemistry and Materials Science
    University of Science and Technology of China
    Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China

    Tel: 86-551-3607478

    Fax: 86-551-3602969
    Personal Homepage:

    1) Novel electronic structure theory and numerical algorithms for complex systems;
    2) Electronic absorption and emission spectroscopy of complex systems;
    3) Optical, electronic and magnetic properties of low dimensional nanostructured materials and their applications in molecular devices and biotechnology;
    4) Inorganic and bioinorganic reaction mechanism.


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