LIU Xianwei(刘贤伟)

发布时间:2016-04-11 浏览次数:7760


Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry 
School of Chemistry and Materials Science
 University of Science and Technology of China
 Hefei, Anhui 230026, P. R. China

Tel:  +86-551-63600610




Professor, University of Science &   Technology of China

2012-2016, Postdoc

The Biodesign Institute, Arizona State   University, USA

2011-2012, Postdoc

Bechman Institute for Advanced Science   and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

2008-2011, Ph.D.

University of Science & Technology of China, China

2000-2007, B.S.

Shandong University, China


We are interested in developing and applying novel technologies for a fundamental understanding of the complex interfacial chemistry processes. Specifically, we develop a host of methods that enable visualization of interfacial chemistry processes at the single-particle, -cell, and -molecule level.


1.       Liu YN, Lv ZT, Lv WL, Liu XW*. Plasmonic probing of the adhesion strength of single microbial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117: 27148-27153.

2.       Qian C, Wu G, Jiang D, Zhao XN, Chen HB, Yang YZ, Liu XW*. Identification of nanoparticles via plasmonic scattering interferometry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58: 4217-4220.

3.       Liu YN, Chen HB, Liu XW*. Rapid assessment of water toxicity by plasmonic nanomechanical sensing. Analytical Chemistry. 2020, 92: 1309-1315.

4.       Chen HB, Jiang D, Liu YN, Qian C, Zhou XL, Liu XW*. Probing the deposition kinetics of nanoparticles by plasmonic imaging and counting single nanoparticles. Environmental Science & Technology Letters2020, 7: 298-302.

5.       Zhou XL, Yang Y, Wang SP*, Liu XW*. Surface plasmon resonance microscopy: from singlemolecule sensing to singlecell imaging. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59:1776-1785. 
