Luo Yi
Fax: +86-551-63607069
Personal Homepage:
Personal Profile
Educational Background:
[1] In May 1996: Ph.D. in Computational Physics from Linköping University
[2] 1989-1992: Research Assistant of ESCA-Laser World Laboratory of Uppsala University (under Nobel Laureate Professor Kai Siegbahn)
[3] 1985-1989: Combined Master's and Doctoral Program of Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
[4] 1981-1985: Bachelor's Degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (formerly Huazhong Institute of Technology)
Work Experience:
[1] Since 2008: Professor of the Department of Chemical Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China
[2] June 1996 - October 1997: Postdoctoral Researcher of Linköping University and University of Copenhagen
[3] October 1997 - March 2000: Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics of Stockholm University
[4] March 2000 - October 2005: Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Chemistry of KTH Royal Institute of Technology
[5] Since October 2005: Professor of the Department of Theoretical Chemistry of KTH Royal Institute of Technology
[6] Currently serving as the Executive Director and a Professor of the Department of Chemical Physics, a Professor of Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale, and a Doctoral Supervisor
Research Directions:
[1] Theoretical Chemistry
[2] Molecular Electronics
[3] Molecular Photonics
[4] Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Spectroscopy
[5] Nano Catalysis
[6] Nonlinear Plasmon Spectroscopy and Plasmonic Photochemistry